• Dark Age Of Camelot Radar Download

    Dark Age Of Camelot Radar Download

    The game has reached a plateau in population that it is unlikely to ever surpass. Those that are left are pretty much at the point where they are keeping interest by trying new classes and realms. Mythic needs to make this easier by allowing 3rd party plug ins to be developed for the game. Among those items that would be a HUGE relief in PvE and RvR is an in game radar map. It has been proved over and over again that Radar is 90% useful for helping to find fights, tracking down stealthers, or avoiding zergs, and not at all effective in changing their specific outcomes.

    It would be wonderful as a tool for finding quest mobs and such in PvE as well. Other plug-ins, like auto crafters and EXP tools, style chain and hot key macros, level progression aids, Market summarizers and so on would greatly increase the game's life expectancy. Let's give up the pretense that Radar is some blanket excuse for your suckage in RvR and press Mythic to allow implementable 3rd party tools for everyone! ' Other plug-ins, like auto crafters and EXP tools, style chain and hot key macros, level progression aids, Market summarizers and so on would greatly increase the game's life expectancy. ' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO HELL NO! Automation of any kind needs to remain out of all MMO games period.

    You want the computer to play for you. Go play some MUD were these days 90% of the MUD players. Arent playing but programs running the game for them. Automation killed MUD's. It was simple automation at first. Automaticaly pick up items, automaticaly heal, automaticaly attack things.

    And eventualy moved into it walking by itself. Now if you find a MUD with active players its either because its a private MUD setup by like minded people against automation. Or its a MUD thats heavily policed to prevent the automation. If you start automating things in MMO's eventualy. No one would be playing them anymore.

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    Dark Age Of Camelot Download Full Game

    Below you'll find digital versions of the available Dark Age of Camelot expansion manuals. Some information may be out of date due to later, in-game changes. Download the Labyrinth of the Minotaur Game Manual PDF: Download the Epic Edition Game Manual PDF: Download the Catacombs Game Manual PDF.

    They'd be playing themselves. And everyone will move on to other games. AzureTyger posted: - It has been proved over and over again that Radar is 90% useful for helping to find fights, tracking down stealthers, or avoiding zergs, and not at all effective in changing their specific outcomes.

    ^^^^BTW what happens when this 'zerg' you are avoiding has radar also??? Can u say unplayability? Your obviously looking at it from a point of veiw of being one of the radarers, when others dont have it and what happens when the established high RR 8 man runs around farming everyone and assramming and running over all the small scale battles and 1v1's? O wait they already do. I agree with AnelaBelladonna. The realmwar map concept is good.

    It needs to update faster imho and it needs to show smaller fights. Last night on Killbury one could see where repeated engagements were ocurring. The grp I was with got tooled by a minizerg of Mids that ran out of Bolg behind us (we were beyond their ability to see, I think) and they promptly ran back. Can't prove they were using AK, but it sure looked like a duck and quacked like a duck. Mythic needs to name the creeps that get Banz0red.

    They forfeit their anonymity when they cheat. Thorien Why go to Pend? I am in virtually naked RvR every day. I wouldnt mind some automation to the tradeskills, as I have always found it retarded that the difference between 1 skill and 1000 is just simply how many times someone has clicked the make item button(I would actually prefer a tradeskill quest system, but dont think thats gonna happen this late in the game). The way it is now isnt skill, just a test of endurance. And I was thinking about the radar issue along the same lines too.

    If radar is here, and from the looks of it here to stay, If mythic cant beat em, they should join em, and make a legitimate version of ingame radar. I am sure they could do it in such a way to saqve the stealthing classes. Fact of the matter is the radar using crowd hasnt gotten smaller since the last time I played, it has gotten much worse. From my experience with pretty much every MMO that has ever come down the pipe, cheats like this are never resolved, they just get dragged out to where those willing to pay for the cheat use it, and theres never a short supply of people like that.

    I think they should add Radar. Make it a 'legal' usage. Create a new char for all 3 realms and give it Radar. Make the Radar ability in a spec line that nobody would use. Make the Radar an 'all seeing' Conc buff that this class has to use Conc to cast. This way, not only do players have to pay for a secondary account for their bot, but they also have to shell out yet another $15 a month for a 'Radar' advantage buff.

    This means that eventually, not only do you say 'well - radar is available to everyone, you just have to buy another account to get it just like a buphbot' but it actually means that the advantage is in the game for everyone and. Mythic cashes in on $45/month now for players to play the game that should only cost $15. Let's face it - this means you have to PLevel yet another char to 50, do ToA, ML, CL, and gain RR for this class that all affects how useful the Radar is.

    More PvE, more time in game, more treadmill, more money gained, evened out advantages, and I believe that it would certainly ADD to the environment. If anything, it would be an interesting case study to see what people would actually do in order to win in a video game. What lengths they will go for their investments and their 'entertainment'. I think it's a brilliant idea. In a perfect world, yes getting rid of it would be the best way to deal with it. Fact is Mythic tipped thier hand the other day with thier would you tolerate daily downtimes or whatnot to get rid of radar bit. Looks to me that they cant detect the radar users, and the best they can do is change their data encryption daily to 'break' radar(untill the guy making the radar proggies updates his program that is).

    So if they cant get rid of it, and they cant detect it, they, and us, are going to have to deal with it. So we can either sit around and let the radar users continue to have thier unfair advantage against the rest of us or Mythic can introduce radar into thier client, so at least the playing field will be even. Again isnt the perfect solution, but your a noob or a fool to believe there is such a thing, especially with MMO's.

    Dark Age Of Camelot Radar Download